Katlas installation notes: Difference between revisions

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I had to fix the server name, from katlas to katlas.math.toronto.edu in httpd.conf
I had to fix the server name, from katlas to katlas.math.toronto.edu in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

I added
I added

Revision as of 10:45, 23 August 2005

Okay... these are my notes while trying to setup the wiki on katlas.

Upgrading MySQL

For better or worse, I decided to upgrade MySQL to version 4.0 before doing anything else. I mostly followed these instructions.

Warning: do not install MySQL 4.1. It is incompatible with mediawiki. Install version 4.0.

For this I need three RPMs which are all available with only a little digging at mysql.com

  • MySQL-shared-compat-4.0.25-0.i386.rpm
  • MySQL-server-4.0.25-0.i386.rpm
  • MySQL-client-4.0.25-0.i386.rpm

The first of these is required so we don't break dependencies while upgrading. Install it first, with

rpm -iv MySQL-shared-compat-4.0.25-0.i386.rpm

Then upgrade the other two packages

rpm -U MySQL-server-4.0.25-0.i386.rpm
rpm -U MySQL-client-4.0.25-0.i386.rpm

Note the warning the server install gives --

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h katlas.math.toronto.edu password 'new-password'
See the manual for more instructions.

(note however that you need to upgrade the client package before mysqladmin is available to do this!)

I also deleted the local anonymous account, and put a password on the remote anonymous account. (Ask User:Scott for these passwords.)


I had to fix the server name, from katlas to katlas.math.toronto.edu in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

I added

AllowOverride FileInfo

in the httpd.conf file, in the section for /var/www/html, so I could use .htaccess files to rewrite the wiki URLs nicely.

I added a robots.txt file, to protect the wiki internals from spiders. --Scott 12:44, 19 Aug 2005 (EDT)

I moved the document root from /var/www/html to /www/html. (Actually, I moved everything in /var/www to /www) This required the following steps

  1. in /var/www, as root
    cp -R --preserve * /www
  2. in httpd.conf, replacing /var/www everywhere with /www
  3. in LocalSettings.php replacing /var/www with /www in the $IP line
  4. test everything seems to work!
  5. in /var, as root,
    rm -Rf www

--Scott 12:44, 19 Aug 2005 (EDT)

This messed up webalizer, however, so I modified the appropriate line in /etc/webalizer.conf. I also added a section in http.conf to make /usage world-readable. --Scott 13:03, 19 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Restarting apache is best achieved by (as root)

/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful


/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

--Scott 13:17, 19 Aug 2005 (EDT)


I added the namespace "Data", as per these instructions, adding

$wgExtraNamespaces =
       array(100 => "Data",
             101 => "Data talk");
$wgNamespacesWithSubpages =
       array( -1 => 0, 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1,
              4 => 0, 5 => 1, 6 => 0, 7 => 1,
              8 => 0, 9 => 1, 10 => 0,11 => 1,
              100 => 1, 101 => 1 );

to LocalSettings.php. (For some reason, the namespace "Knot Data" didn't seem to work?)

Enable <math></math> processing

First, I made the /images directory writable.

Next, I installed ocaml (download the sources, ./configure, make world, make bootstrap, make opt, make install). What a pain! After that, go to the math directory under the wiki installation, and run make.

Finally, edit LocalSettings.php to enable TeX.

Allowing .zip and .gif uploads

In LocalSettings.php I added the line

$wgFileExtensions = array( 'png','gif','jpg','jpeg','ogg','mp3','pdf','zip');