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    "batchcomplete": "",
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        "gapcontinue": "Rolfsen_Splice_Base",
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            "*": "Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."
        "revisions": {
            "*": "Because \"rvslots\" was not specified, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future the new format will always be used."
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            "52692": {
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                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "(*<pre>*)\n(*This is in the form it comes with in mediawiki 1.4.7 *)\nlet cmd_dvips tmpprefix = \"dvips -R -E \" ^ tmpprefix ^ \".dvi -f >\" ^ tmpprefix ^ \".ps\"\nlet cmd_latex tmpprefix = \"latex \" ^ tmpprefix ^ \".tex >/dev/null\"\nlet cmd_convert tmpprefix finalpath = \"convert -quality 100 -density 120 \" ^ tmpprefix ^ \".ps \" ^ finalpath ^ \" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null\"\n\nexception ExternalCommandFailure of string\n\nlet render tmppath finalpath outtex md5 =\n    let tmpprefix0 = (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))^\"_\"^md5 in\n    let tmpprefix = (tmppath^\"/\"^tmpprefix0) in\n    let unlink_all () =\n      begin\n    Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ \".dvi\");\n    Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ \".aux\");\n    Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ \".log\");\n        Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ \".tex\");\n    Sys.remove (tmpprefix ^ \".ps\");\n      end in\n    let f = (Util.open_out_unless_exists (tmpprefix ^ \".tex\")) in\n      begin\n    output_string f (Texutil.get_preface ());\n    output_string f outtex;\n    output_string f (Texutil.get_footer ());\n    close_out f;\n    if Util.run_in_other_directory tmppath (cmd_latex tmpprefix0) != 0\n    then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure \"latex\"))\n    else if (Sys.command (cmd_dvips tmpprefix) != 0)\n    then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure \"dvips\"))\n    else if (Sys.command (cmd_convert tmpprefix (finalpath^\"/\"^md5^\".png\")) != 0)\n    then (unlink_all (); raise (ExternalCommandFailure \"convert\"))\n    else unlink_all ()\n      end\n(*</pre>[[Category:Source Code]]*)"
            "1629206": {
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                "title": "Replacing the operating system todo list",
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                        "*": "==Things we should be including in the backup==\n*/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf\n*/etc/aliases\n*/etc/iptables-firewall.conf\n*/etc/rd.d/rc.local\n\nOkay -- I have a local backup of these, as of --[[User:Scott|Scott]] 19:26, 10 Oct 2006 (EDT)\n\n==To do==\n\nMake paranoid backup copies of the SQL databases and SVN repositories -- Scott's job for Tuesday evening.\n\n===Critical===\n;Are we going to have any issues with userids changing?! ie, will permissions get all screwed up when we recreate the various accounts?\n:I guess we can gaurantee that userids don't change, by recreating users with the -u switch (see man useradd).\n:Here's a [[list of our current users]].\n\n;Reconfigure apache\n:Hopefully copying the appropriate sections from the old /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf is all that's needed.\n\n;Reinstall SQL 4.0\n:See instructions at the top of this page.\n\n;Restoring the SQL databases\n:I can't work out where SQL is installed, let alone where it keeps its database files. This is definitely the scary part! --[[User:Scott|Scott]] 19:56, 10 Oct 2006 (EDT)\n:In addition to doing an sqldump and restore (What's the procedure for restoring? I don't know at all!) we may have to reconfigure the SQL users and passwords.\n\n;Reconfigure the firewall\n:See /etc/iptables-firewall.conf\n\n;Reinstall SVN\n:Requires finding the RHEL3 rpms.\n\n;Check that up2date works\n:We'd previously had problems because Scott had installed python2.4, without all the necessary addons. See above.\n\n===Not so critical===\n;Reinstalling a modern java VM\n;Installing ant\n\n===Not critical===\n*Get the omath mailing lists working again.\n**This is probably unlikely; I never documented what I was doing, and I remember there being quite a few configuration files that needed changes...\n**Everthing is in /usr/local/mailman, I think?\n*Make sure jira and fisheye start automatically.\n*Check mysqladmin and webalizer still work? They should."