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 A.~Bertram and M.~Thaddeus. \newblock On the quantum cohomology of a symmetric product of an algebraic   curve. \newblock {\em Duke Math. J.}, 108(2):329--362, 2001.  

 P.~Braam and S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock Floer's work on instanton homology, knots, and surgery. \newblock In H.~Hofer, C.~H. Taubes, A.~Weinstein, and E.~Zehnder, editors,   {\em The Floer Memorial Volume}, number 133 in Progress in Mathematics, pages   195--256. Birkh{\"a}user, 1995.  

 Y.~M. Eliashberg and W.~P. Thurston. \newblock {\em Confoliations}. \newblock Number~13 in University Lecture Series. American Mathematical   Society, 1998.  

 R.~Fintushel and R.~J. Stern. \newblock Knots, links, and {$4$}-manifolds. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.}, 134(2):363--400, 1998.  

 A.~Floer. \newblock Instanton homology, surgery, and knots. \newblock In {\em Geometry of Low-Dimensional Manifolds, 1 (Durham, 1989)},   volume 150 of {\em London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser.}, pages 97--114, 1990.  

 D.~Gabai. \newblock Foliations and the topology of {$3$}-manifolds. \newblock {\em J. Differential Geom.}, 18(3):445--503, 1983.  

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 J.~Hoste. \newblock Sewn-up {$r$}-link exteriors. \newblock {\em Pacific J. Math.}, 112(2):347--382, 1984.  

 M.~Hutchings and M.~Sullivan. \newblock The periodic {F}loer homology of a {D}ehn twist. \newblock, 2002.  

 P.~B. Kronheimer and T.~S. Mrowka. \newblock Scalar curvature and the {T}hurston norm. \newblock {\em Math. Res. Lett.}, 4(6):931--937, 1997.  

 I.~G. MacDonald. \newblock Symmetric products of an algebraic curve. \newblock {\em Topology}, 1:319--343, 1962.  

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 J.~W. Morgan, Z.~Szab{\'o}, and C.~H. Taubes. \newblock A product formula for {S}eiberg-{W}itten invariants and the   generalized {T}hom conjecture. \newblock {\em J. Differential Geometry}, 44:706--788, 1996.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Absolutely graded {F}loer homologies and intersection forms for   four-manifolds with boundary. \newblock {\em Advances in Mathematics}, 173(2):179--261, 2003.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Heegaard {F}loer homology and alternating knots. \newblock {\em Geometry and Topology}, 7:225--254, 2003.  

 J.~Rasmussen. \newblock {\em Floer homology and knot complements}. \newblock PhD thesis, Harvard University, 2003.  

 P.~Seidel. \newblock The symplectic {F}loer homology of a {D}ehn twist. \newblock {\em Math. Res. Lett.}, 3(6):829--834, 1996.