
From Knot Atlas
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 L. Abrams, \emph{Two-dimensional topological quantum field  theories and Frobenius algebras}, J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications  {\bf 5(5)} (1996) 569-587.  

 D. Bar-Natan, \emph{On Khovanov's categorification of the Jones  polynomial}, Algebraic and Geometric Topology {\bf 2-16} (2002) 337-370.  

 ---------, \emph{Khovanov homology for knots and links with  up to 11 crossings}, preprint, 2003.  

 R. A. Brualdi, \emph{Introductory combinatorics}, 3rd ed.,  Prentice-Hall, 1999.  

 S. Garoufalidis, \emph{A conjecture on Khovanov's invariants},  preprint, 2001.  

 C. McA. Gordon and R. A. Litherland, \emph{On the signature of  a link}, Invent. Math. {\bf 47} (1978) 53-69.  

 M. Khovanov, \emph{A categorification of the Jones polynomial},  Duke Math. J. {\bf 101(3)} (2000) 359-426.  

 ---------, \emph{Patterns in knot cohomology I}, Experimental  Mathematics {\bf 12(3)} (2003) 365-374.  

 W. B. R. Lickorish, \emph{An introduction to knot theory},  Graduate texts in math. {\bf 175}, Springer-Verlag, 1997.