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 J.~O. Berge. \newblock The knots in {$D\sp 2\times S\sp 1$} which have nontrivial {D}ehn   surgeries that yield {$D\sp 2\times S\sp 1$}. \newblock {\em Topology Appl.}, 38(1):1--19, 1991.  

 S.~A. Bleiler and C.~D. Hodgson. \newblock Spherical space forms and {D}ehn filling. \newblock {\em Topology}, 35(3):809--833, 1996.  

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 P.~Braam and S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock Floer's work on instanton homology, knots, and surgery. \newblock In H.~Hofer, C.~H. Taubes, A.~Weinstein, and E.~Zehnder, editors,   {\em The Floer Memorial Volume}, number 133 in Progress in Mathematics, pages   195--256. Birkh{\"a}user, 1995.  

 D.~Calegari and N.~M. Dunfield. \newblock Laminations and groups of homeomorphisms of the circle. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.}, 152(1):149--204, 2003.  

 M.~Culler, C.~McA. Gordon, J.~Luecke, and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock Dehn surgery on knots. \newblock {\em Ann. of Math}, 125(2):237--300, 1987.  

 S.~K. Donaldson and P.~B. Kronheimer. \newblock {\em The geometry of four-manifolds}. \newblock Oxford Mathematical Monographs. The Clarendon Press Oxford University   Press, New York, 1990. \newblock Oxford Science Publications.  

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 R.~Fintushel and R.~J. Stern. \newblock Constructing lens spaces by surgery on knots. \newblock {\em Math. Z.}, 175(1):33--51, 1980.  

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 D.~Gabai. \newblock Surgery on knots in solid tori. \newblock {\em Topology}, 28(1):1--6, 1989.  

 H.~Goda and M.~Teragaito. \newblock Dehn surgeries on knots which yield lens spaces and genera of knots. \newblock {\em Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.}, 129(3):501--515, 2000.  

 C.~McA. Gordon. \newblock {\em Some aspects of classical knot theory}, pages pp. 1--60. \newblock Number 685 in Lecture Notes in Math. Springer-Verlag, 1978.  

 C.~McA. Gordon. \newblock Dehn surgery on knots. \newblock In {\em Proceedings of the {I}nternational {C}ongress of   {M}athematicians Vol. {I} ({K}yoto, 1990)}, pages 631--642. Springer-Verlag,   1991.  

 C.~McA. Gordon and J.~Luecke. \newblock Knots are determined by their complements. \newblock {\em J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, 2(2):371--415, 1989.  

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 P.~B. Kronheimer and T.~S. Mrowka. \newblock Floer homology for {S}eiberg-{W}itten {M}onopoles. \newblock In preparation.  

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 W.~B.~R. Lickorish. \newblock {\em An introduction to knot theory}. \newblock Number 175 in Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, 199.  

 G.~Meng and C.~H. Taubes. \newblock {\underline{SW}}={M}ilnor torsion. \newblock {\em Math. Research Letters}, 3:661--674, 1996.  

 T.~S. Mrowka, P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th, and B.~Yu. \newblock Seiberg-{W}itten monopoles on {S}eifert fibered spaces. \newblock {\em Comm. Anal. Geom.}, 5(4):685--791, 1997.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Absolutely graded {F}loer homologies and intersection forms for   four-manifolds with boundary. \newblock {\em Advances in Mathematics}, 173(2):179--261, 2003.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock On the {F}loer homology of plumbed three-manifolds. \newblock {\em Geom. Topol.}, 7:185--224, 2003.  

 J.~Rasmussen. \newblock {\em Floer homology and knot complements}. \newblock PhD thesis, Harvard University, 2003.  

 R.~Roberts. \newblock Taut foliations in punctured surface bundles. {I}. \newblock {\em Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)}, 82(3):747--768, 2001.  

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 W.~P. Thurston. \newblock The geometry and topology of {$3$}-manifolds. \newblock Lecture notes, Princeton University, 1977.  

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 Y.~Q. Wu. \newblock Cyclic surgery and satellite knots. \newblock {\em Topology Appl.}, 36(3):205--208, 1990.