
From Knot Atlas
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 S.~Garoufalidis,   {\em A conjecture on Khovanov's invariants,} University of Warwick   preprint, October 2001.  

 J.~Hoste and   M.~Thistlethwaite, {\em Knotscape,} {\tt   http://\linebreak[0]dowker.\linebreak[0]math.\linebreak[0]utk.\linebreak[0]edu/\linebreak[0]knotscape.html}  

 L.~H.~Kauffman,   {\em On knots},   Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1987.  

 D.~Rolfsen,   {\em Knots and Links},   Publish or Perish, Mathematics Lecture Series {\bf 7}, Wilmington 1976.  

 R.~Scharein,   {\em KnotPlot,}   {\tt http://\linebreak[0]\linebreak[0]nest/\linebreak[0]imager/\newline contributions/\linebreak[0]scharein/\linebreak[0]KnotPlot.html}  

 A.~Stoimenow,   {\em Polynomials of knots with up to $10$ crossings,}   {\tt http://\linebreak[0]\linebreak[0]alex/}  

  S.~Wolfram,   {\em The Mathematica Book,}   Cambridge University Press, 1999 and   {\tt http://\linebreak[0]www.\linebreak[0]}.