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 J.~S. Carter, J.~H. Rieger, and M.~Saito. \newblock A combinatorial description of knotted surfaces and their isotopies. \newblock {\em Advances in mathematics}, 127:1--51, 1997.  

 J.~S. Carter and M.~Saito. \newblock Reidemeister moves for surface isotopies and their interpretation as   moves to movies. \newblock {\em Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications}, 2(3):251--284,   1993.  

 J.~S. Carter and M.~Saito. \newblock {\em Knotted surfaces and their diagrams}. \newblock Mathematical surveys and monographs, 55. AMS, 1998.  

 J.~Fischer. \newblock 2-categories and 2-knots. \newblock {\em Duke Mathematical Journal}, 75(2):493--526, 1994.  

 V.~M. Kharlamov and V.~G. Turaev. \newblock On the definition of the $2$-category of $2$-knots. \newblock In {\em Mathematics in St. Petersburg}, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser.   2, 174. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1996.  

 D.~Roseman. \newblock Reidemeister-type moves for surfaces in four dimensional space. \newblock preprint.