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 H.~Cartan and S.~Eilenberg. \newblock {\em Homological algebra}. \newblock Princeton University Press, 1956.  

 S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock Polynomial invariants for smooth four-manifolds. \newblock {\em Topology}, 29(3):257--315, 1990.  

 R.~Fintushel and R.~J. Stern. \newblock Immersed spheres in $4$-manifolds and the immersed {T}hom conjecture. \newblock {\em Turkish J. Math}, 19(2):145--157, 1995.  

 R.~E. Gompf and A.~I. Stipsicz. \newblock {\em {$4$}-manifolds and Kirby calculus}, volume~20 of {\em Graduate   Studies in Mathematics}. \newblock American Mathematical Society, 1999.  

 R.~Kirby. \newblock A calculus for framed links in {$S\sp{3}$}. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.}, 45(1):35--56, 1978.  

 P.~B. Kronheimer and T.~S. Mrowka. \newblock The genus of embedded surfaces in the projective plane. \newblock {\em Math. Research Letters}, 1:797--808, 1994.  

 J.~W. Morgan, Z.~Szab{\'o}, and C.~H. Taubes. \newblock A product formula for {S}eiberg-{W}itten invariants and the   generalized {T}hom conjecture. \newblock {\em J. Differential Geometry}, 44:706--788, 1996.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Holomorphic disks and topological invariants for rational homology   three-spheres. \newblock Preprint, 2000.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock The symplectic {T}hom conjecture. \newblock {\em Ann. of Math.}, 151(1):93--124, 2000.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Absolutely graded floer homologies and intersection forms for   four-manifolds with boundary. \newblock 2001. \newblock Preprint.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Holomorphic disks and invariants for symplectic four-manifolds. \newblock 2001. \newblock In preparation.  

 P.~S. Ozsv{\'a}th and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Holomorphic disks and three-manifold invariants: properties and   applications. \newblock 2001. \newblock Preprint.  

 E.~Witten. \newblock Monopoles and four-manifolds. \newblock {\em Math. Research Letters}, 1:769--796, 1994.