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 D.~M. Austin. \newblock Equivariant {F}loer groups for binary polyhedral spaces. \newblock {\em Math. Ann.}, 302(2):295--322, 1995.  

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 P.~Braam and S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock Floer's work on instanton homology, knots, and surgery. \newblock In H.~Hofer, C.~H. Taubes, A.~Weinstein, and E.~Zehnder, editors,   {\em The Floer Memorial Volume}, number 133 in Progress in Mathematics, pages   195--256. Birkh{\"a}user, 1995.  

 M.~Culler, C.~McA. Gordon, J.~Luecke, and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock Dehn surgery on knots. \newblock {\em Ann. of Math.}, 125(2):237--300, 1987.  

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 J.~W. Morgan, T.~S. Mrowka, and D.~Ruberman. \newblock {\em The {$L^2$}-Moduli Space and a Vanishing Theorem for Donaldson   Polynomial Invariants}. \newblock Number~II in Monographs in Geometry and Topology. International   Press, 1994.  

 J.~W. Morgan, T.~S. Mr{\'o}wka, and Z.~Szab{\'o}. \newblock Product formulas along {$T^3$} for {S}eiberg-{W}itten invariants. \newblock {\em Math. Res. Lett.}, 4(6):915--929, 1997.  

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