L6a4 Further Notes and Views

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Classic-type Borromean rings diagram with color-coded circles
Medieval-style representation of the Borromean rings, used as an emblem of Lorenzo de Medici in San Pancrazio, Florence[1]
A kolam with 3 cycles [2]
A version of the coat of arms of the Borromeo family
The Colombo Mall in Lisboa [3]
The Borromean rings as a symbol of the Christian Trinity (based on a 13th-century French manuscript)
One version of the Germanic "Valknut"
Coat of arms of Hallsberg, Sweden, with padlocks in Borromean configuration
A "Borromean" bathroom tile (the Diane de Poitiers three interlaced crescents emblem) [4]
Rectangles in three dimensions
A Borromean link at the Fields Institute [5]
Basic black-and-white depiction with minimal central overlap
3D depiction
3D depiction which purports to show simple circular toruses interlinked as Borromean rings (something which is actually geometrically impossible).
Asymmetrical depiction
Interlaced rectangles (Miguni, Fukui, Japan).
Borromean rings interlinked with cross as Christian symbol.
A practical application of the Borromean rings (Ballard Locks, Seattle)
Borromean paper clips [6]
A Borromean link by Dylan Thurston [7]
A Borromean rattle by Sassy [8]