
From Knot Atlas
Revision as of 11:51, 23 August 2005 by Drorbn (talk | contribs)
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Start by downloading either the file KnotTheory.tar.gz or the file (around 1MB each), and unpack either one. This will create a subdirectory KnotTheory/ in your current working directory. This done, no installation is required (though you may wish to check out Further Data Files below). Start Mathematica and you're ready to go:

In[1]:= << KnotTheory`

Loading KnotTheory` (version of August 19, 2005, 13:11:25)...

Let us check that everything is working well:

In[2]:= Alexander[Knot[6, 2]][t]


In[3]:= ?KnotTheoryVersion

KnotTheoryVersion[] returns the date of the current version of the package KnotTheory`. KnotTheoryVersion[k] returns the kth field in KnotTheoryVersion[].

In[4]:= ?KnotTheoryVersionString

KnotTheoryVersionString[] returns a string containing the date and time of the current version of the package KnotTheory`. It is generated from KnotTheoryVersion[].

In[5]:= ?KnotTheoryWelcomeMessage

KnotTheoryWelcomeMessage[] returns a string containing the welcome message printed when KnotTheory` is first loaded.

Thus on the day this manual page was last changed, we had:

In[6]:= {KnotTheoryVersion[], KnotTheoryVersionString[]}


In[7]:= ?KnotTheoryDirectory

KnotTheoryDirectory[] returns the best guess KnotTheory` has for its location on the host computer. It can be reset by the user.

KnotTheoryDirectory may not work under some operating systems/environments. Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties.


  • Precomputed Data. KnotTheory` comes with a certain amount of precomputed data which is loaded "on demand" just when it is needed. When a precomputed data file is read by KnotTheory`, a notification message is displayed. To prevent these messages from appearing execute the command Off[KnotTheory::loading].