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 Dror Bar-Natan,  Khovanov's categorification of the Jones polynomial, arXiv: math.QA /0201043.  

 I.~B.~Frenkel, M.~Khovanov, Canonical bases in tensor products and graphical calculus for $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$, {\it Duke Math. Journal,\/} v. 87, (1997), 409--480.  

  L.H.Kauffman, State models and the Jones polynomial, {\it Topology,\/} {\bf 26:3} (1987), 395--407.  

 Mikhail Khovanov, A categorification of the Jones polynomial, {\it Duke Math. J.,\/} 101 (3), 359--426, 1999, arXiv: math.QA /9908171.  

 Mikhail Khovanov, A functor-valued invariant of tangles, arXiv: math.QA /0103190  

 Mikhail Khovanov, Patterns in knot cohomology I, arXiv: math.QA /0201306.  

 E.~S.~Lee, The support of the Khovanov's invariants for alternating knots, arXiv: math.GT /0201105.