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 {\bf Lowell Abrams}, {\it Two-dimensional topological quantum   field theories and Frobenius algebras}, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 5 (1996) 569--587   \MR{1414088}  

 {\bf Dror Bar-Natan}, {\it On Khovanov's categorification of the Jones polynomial}, \agtref2{2002}{16}{337}{370} \MR{1917056}  

 {\bf John Baez}, {\bf Laurel Langford}, {\it Higher-dimensional algebra IV: 2-Tangles}, Adv. Math. 180 (2003) 705--764 \MR{2020556}  

 {\bf J Scott Carter, Masahico Saito}, {\it Reidemeister moves for surface isotopies and their interpretations as moves to movies}, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 2 (1993) 251--284   \MR{1238875}  

 {\bf J Scott Carter, Daniel Jelsovsky,  Seiichi Kamada, Laurel Langford, Masahico Saito},  {\it Quandle cohomology and state-sum invariants of knotted curves and surfaces}, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003) 3947--3989  \MR{1990571}   

 {\bf J Scott Carter, Joachim H Rieger, Masahico Saito},  {\it A combinatorial description of knotted surfaces   and their isotopies}, Adv. Math. 127 (1997) 1--51   \MR{1445361}  

 {\bf Vaughan F\,R Jones}, {\it A polynomial invariant for knots via Von Neumann algebras}, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (1985) 103--111     \MR{0766964}  

 {\bf Mikhail Khovanov}, {\it A categorification of the Jones polynomial}, Duke Math. J. 101 (1999) 359--426   \MR{1740682}  

 {\bf Louis H Kauffman}, {\it State models and the Jones polynomial}, Topology 26 (1987) 395--407   \MR{0899057}  

 {\bf Dennis Roseman}, {\it Reidemeister-type moves for surfaces in four dimensional space}, in Banach Center Publications {\bf 42}, Knot Theory (1998), 347--380   \MR{1634466}  

 {\bf Olof-Petter \"Ostlund}, personal communication