To Do

From Knot Atlas
Revision as of 23:21, 12 September 2005 by Scott (talk | contribs)
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  • Update this To Do list.
  • Set up a backup routine.
    • Make sure we're backing up all the right things. In particular, httpd.conf should probably be backed up.
  • Systematic updates of the executable programs (KnotTheory`, WikiLink.m, splicers). See Category:Software. Set up a CVS? Subversion? Sourceforge?

Knot Atlas issues

  • Link to us from relevant pages on wikipedia and elsewhere.
  • Add "comment" hooks near each of the sections on the knot pages.
    • Eliminate the need for "&action=purge" after editing a comments section.

Pages to write

  1. Further edit How you can contribute.
  2. Finish Extending/Modifying KnotTheory`.
  3. Prepare List of Modules in KnotTheory`.
  4. Write Knot Atlas:About and Knot Atlas:General disclaimer.

more complicated projects

  1. Identify torus knots.
    1. should we have an 'identify this knot' function in KnotTheory`? How to implement it?
  2. Clarify orientation issues, especially for links.
  3. Extend tables beyond 11 crossings.
  4. work out a sensible way to show quantum knot invariants.
  5. Add pages on rational knots and other classes of "special" knots.
  6. Add a page for "sporadic" special knots.

Data to include

  1. Add Tristram-Levine signatures.
  2. Chiral? Invertible?
  3. Indicate which knots are the components of given links.
  4. Add something about hyperbolic invariants.
  5. "Similar Links" using The Multivariable Alexander Polynomial; add the The Multivariable Alexander Polynomial to the simulated Mathematica sessions.

Things to calculate

  1. Compute HOMFLYPT for torus knots.
  2. compute Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants for everything in sight.


  1. Unite DrawPD and BraidPlot under Draw.
  2. Remove Simplify from ColouredJones.
  3. Custom knot drawings! Output in ps, TeX, etc.
  4. Browsable source code for KnotTheory`.

katlas software

  • Tell people about the modifications to ImagePage.php
  • Fix/improve the "disappearing transclusion" tag <ifpageexists>.


  1. can texvc use dvi2bitmap instead of convert? might be much faster? [1]
    1. alternatively see [2]
    2. what about a cron job to randomly delete entries from mw_math, and the corresponding png's?
  2. Apply patches to texvc, for making transparent, font-sizes png in math mode. [3]

Other things

  1. Add the Universal Vassiliev Invariant.
  2. Something about knot colouring.
  3. Add Ozvath-Szabo stuff.
  4. Make all sources public.
  5. Add Dowker codes for links.

Papers to consider extracting data from

  1. Extract data from Stanford's paper [4].
  2. Extract data from Livingston's paper [5].
  3. Extract data from Rasmussen's paper, arXiv:math.GT/0402131.
  4. Extract data from Hikami's paper, arXiv:math.GT/0403224.
  5. Extract data from Stoimenow's paper, arXiv:math.GT/0405076.
  6. Extract data from De Wit and Links, arXiv:math.GT/0501224, and from De Wit, Ishii and Links, arXiv:math.GT/0405403.
  7. Extract data from Cha-Livingston's paper, arXiv:math.GT/0503125.
  8. Extract data from Hirasawa-Teragaito's paper, arXiv:math.GT/0504446.
  9. Extract data from Cimasoni-Florens' paper, arXiv:math.GT/0505185.
  10. Extract data from Hoste-Shanahan's paper, arXiv:math.GT/0505442.
  11. Extract data from Ashton-Cantarella-Piatek-Rawdon's paper, arXiv:math.DG/0508248.
  12. Extract A-polynomial data from Cooper-Culler-Gillet-Long-Shalen.

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