7 5

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7 6.gif


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Knot presentations

Planar diagram presentation X1425 X3,10,4,11 X5,12,6,13 X7,14,8,1 X13,6,14,7 X11,8,12,9 X9,2,10,3
Gauss code -1, 7, -2, 1, -3, 5, -4, 6, -7, 2, -6, 3, -5, 4
Dowker-Thistlethwaite code 4 10 12 14 2 8 6
Conway Notation [322]

Three dimensional invariants

Symmetry type Reversible
Unknotting number 2
3-genus 2
Bridge index (super bridge index) 2 (4)
Nakanishi index 1

Polynomial invariants

Alexander polynomial
Conway polynomial
2nd Alexander ideal (db, data sources)
Determinant and Signature { 17, -4 }
Jones polynomial
HOMFLY-PT polynomial (db, data sources)
Kauffman polynomial (db, data sources)
The A2 invariant
The G2 invariant

Vassiliev invariants

V2 and V3: (4, -8)
V2,1 through V6,9:
V2,1 V3,1 V4,1 V4,2 V4,3 V5,1 V5,2 V5,3 V5,4 V6,1 V6,2 V6,3 V6,4 V6,5 V6,6 V6,7 V6,8 V6,9

V2,1 through V6,9 were provided by Petr Dunin-Barkowski <barkovs@itep.ru>, Andrey Smirnov <asmirnov@itep.ru>, and Alexei Sleptsov <sleptsov@itep.ru> and uploaded on October 2010 by User:Drorbn. Note that they are normalized differently than V2 and V3.

Template:Khovanov Invariants Template:Quantum Invariants