Main Page

From Knot Atlas
Revision as of 16:34, 23 August 2005 by Scott (talk | contribs) (→‎todo list)
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Welcome to the home of the new Knot Atlas! This site aims to be a complete user-editable knot atlas, in the wiki spirit of Wikipedia. This site supersedes Dror Bar-Natan's Knot Atlas. It is being developed primarily by Scott and Dror, but any one can edit almost anything, anytime.

Extra: Tube plots with TubePlot.

See also: Jeremy Green's Table of Virtual Knots, Chuck Livingston's amazing Table of Knot Invariants, Hermann Gruber's atlas of rational knots and Paul Zinn-Justin's alternating virtual link database.


"God created the knots, all else in topology is the work of mortals."

Leopold Kronecker (modified)


"Among Violet's many useful skills was a vast knowledge of different types of knots"

Lemony Snicket, A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning


More Stuff

  • Scott's WikiLink` package provides a simple mediawiki interface, supporting accounts, in Mathematica, and works for MediaWiki 1.4beta5. (The bleeding edge version also supports file upload, and works with 1.4.7.)

todo list

  • something is wrong with the clock? have a look at recent changes.
  • search is broken

Pages with the 'todo' template


  • remove redundant items from the menu on the left
  • images galleries [1]
  • collapsible sections??
  • resizing knot images
  • notes about making transparent, font-sizes png in math mode. [2]

fundamental decisions

  • how to incorporate knot tables
  • how to store data for invariants?
    • this probably isn't a good idea, but someone has written an extension for incorporating XML data. [3]

writing templates


  • write an `auto-splicer'? Dror is working on this!
