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 K.~Behrend, Gromov-Witten invariants in algebraic geometry, preprint,  1996.  

 K.~Behrend and B.~Fantechi, The intrinsic normal cone, preprint, 1996   

 J.Y.~Chen and G.~Tian, Compactification of moduli space of harmonic mappings, preprint 1996.  

 K. ~Fukaya and K.~ Ono,  Arnold conjecture and Gromov-Witten invariants, preprint, 1996.  

 M. ~Gromov, Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds,                 Invent. math., 82 (1985), 307-347.  

 M.~ Kontsevich and Y. ~Manin, GW classes, Quantum cohomology and enumerative geometry, Comm. Math. Phys. vol. 164, 1994, 525-562.  

 J.~Morgan, Szabo and C. Taubes, preprint.  

 J. ~Li and G. ~Tian, Virtual moduli cycle and Gromov-Witten invariants of algebraic varieties, preprint, 1996.  

 J. ~Li and G. ~Tian, Algebraic and symplectic geometry of virtual moduli cycles, submitted to Proc. of AMS summer school, 1995, Santa Cruz.  

 G. ~Liu and G.~ Tian, Arnold conjecture for general symplectic manifolds, in preparation.  

 D.~ Mumford,  Towards an enumerative geometry of the moduli space of curves, Arithmetic and Geometry II, Progress in Mathematics 36, 1983, 271-326.  

  T. ~Parker and J. ~Woflson, A compactness theorem for                 Gromov's  moduli space, J. Geom. Analysis, 3 (1993).  

 Y. ~Ruan, Topological Sigma model and Donaldson type  invariants in Gromov theory, to appear in Duke J. Math.  

 Y. ~Ruan and G. ~Tian,   A mathematical theory of quantum cohomology, J. Diff. Geom.. vol 42, no. 2, 1995.  

 Y. ~Ruan and G. ~Tian, Higher genus symplectic  invariants and sigma model coupled with gravity, preprint, 1995.  

 B. ~Siebert,  Gromov-Witten invariants for general symplectic manifolds, preprint, 1996.  

 C. ~Taubes, The Seiberg-Witten and the Gromov invariants,                    preprint, 1995.  

 G. ~Tian, Quantum cohomology and its associativity, Proc. of 1st Current developments in Mathematics, Cambridge, 1995.  

  E. ~Witten, Monopoles and 4-manifolds, Math. Res. Lett., vol. 1, 1994, 769-796.  

  E. ~Witten,  Topological sigma models,  Comm. Math. Phys.. vol. 118, 1988.  

 E. ~Witten,  Two dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space,  Surveys in Diff. Geom.. vol  1, 1991, 243-310.  

 R. ~Ye, Gromov's compactness theorem for pseudo-holomorphic curves, Trans. Amer. math. Soc., 1994.