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 L.~Dixon, J.~A. Harvey, C.~Vafa, and E.~Witten, \emph{Strings on orbifolds},   Nuclear Phys. B \textbf{261} (1985), no.~4, 678--686.  

 L.~Dixon, J.~Harvey, C.~Vafa, and E.~Witten, \emph{Strings on orbifolds {II}},   Nuclear Phys. B \textbf{274} (1986), no.~2, 285--314.  

 James~R. Evans and Edward Minieka, \emph{Optimization algorithms for networks   and graphs}, 2nd rev. and expanded ed., Dekker, New-York, 1992.  

 Michel Gondran and Michel Minoux, \emph{Graphs and algorithms}, John Wiley \&   Sons, Ltd., Chichester, 1984.  

 Yukari It{\=o} and Miles Reid, \emph{{McK}ay for {SL}$(3)$}, Talk given at   RIMS, Kyoto, September 1994; To appear in Proceedings of Trento Conference on   Higher Dimensional Varieties, Trento, June 1994.  

 Yukari It{\=o}, \emph{Crepant resolution of trihedral singularities},   Proceedings of the Japan Academy \textbf{70} (1994), no.~Ser. A, no. 5,   131--136.  

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 Peter~B. Kronheimer, \emph{{ALE} gravitational instantons}, D. {P}hil. thesis,   University of Oxford, 1986.  

 Peter~Benedict Kronheimer, \emph{Instantons gravitationnels et singularit\'es   de {K}lein.}, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S\'er. I Math. \textbf{303} (1986),   no.~2, 53--55.  

 P.~B. Kronheimer, \emph{The construction of {ALE} spaces as hyper-{K\"a}hler   quotients}, J. Differential Geom. \textbf{29} (1989), no.~3, 665--683.  

 David~G. Luenberger, \emph{Optimization by vector space methods}, John Wiley \&   Sons, Inc., New York-London-Sydney, 1969.  

 D.~Markusevich, \emph{Resolution of ${H}_{168}$}, Preprint, Israel Institute of   Technology, Haifa, 1993.  

 John McKay, \emph{Graphs, singularities and finite groups}, The {S}anta {C}ruz   {C}onference on {F}inite {G}roups (Univ. {C}alifornia, Santa {C}ruz,   {C}alif., 1979), Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., vol.~37, Amer. Math. Soc., R.I.,   1980, pp.~183--186.  

 D.~G. Markushevich, M.~A. Olshanetsky, and A.~M. Perelomov, \emph{Description   of a class of superstring compactifications related to semisimple {L}ie   algebras}, Comm. Math. Phys. \textbf{111} (1987), no.~2, 247--274.  

 Shi~Shyr Roan, \emph{The mirror of {C}alabi-{Y}au orbifold}, Internat. J.~Math.   \textbf{2} (1991), no.~4, 439--455.  

 Shi~Shyr Roan, \emph{On $c_1=0$ resolution of quotient singularity}, Academia   Sinica preprint R930826-2, 1993.  

 Shi~Shyr Roan, \emph{Minimal resolutions of {G}orenstein orbifolds in dimension   three}, Academia Sinica preprint R940606-1, 1994.  

 Alexander~V. Sardo~Infirri, \emph{Resolutions of orbifold singularities and   representation moduli of {McK}ay quivers}, D. {P}hil. thesis, University of   Oxford, 1994, Available as Pre-Print RIMS-984.  

 Alexander~V. Sardo~Infirri, \emph{Crepant terminalisations and orbifold {E}uler   number for {SL}$(4)$ singularities}, to appear, 1996.  

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