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A.~A.~Beilinson, J.~Bernstein, P.~Deligne, {\it Faisceaux pervers}, Ast\'erisque 100 (1982). E.~H.~Brown, {\it Cohomology theories}, Ann. of Math.(2) 75 (1962), pp.467-484; English transl. in Math. USSR Izv. 34 (1990). A.~I.~Bondal, M.~M.~Kapranov, {\it Representable functors, Serre functors, and mutations}, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser.Mat. 53 (1989), pp.1183-1205; English transl. in Math. USSR Izv. 35 (1990), pp.519-541. A.~I.~Bondal, D.~O.~Orlov, {\it Semiorthogonal decomposition for algebraic varieties}, Preprint MPI 95/15 (1995), (see also alg-geom9506012). A.~Grothendieck, {\it Fondements de la G\'eom\'etrie Alg\'ebrique }, S\'eminaire Bourbaki 1957, Expos\'e 149, Secr\'etariat Math., Paris (1959). L.~Illusie, {\it Existence de R\'esolutions Globals.} in SGA6, Lecture Notes in Math., vol.225, Springer-Verlag, Expos\'e 2. S.~Mukai, {\it Duality between $D(X)$ and $D(\hat X)$ with its application to Picard sheaves}, Nagoya Math. J. 81 (1981), pp.153--175. S.~Mukai, {\it On the moduli space of bundles on a K3 surface I}, Vector bundles on algebraic varieties, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Oxford University Press, Bombay and London, 1987. D.~O.~Orlov, {\it Equivalences of derived categories and K3 surfaces}, (1996), alg-geom9606006. A.~E.~Polishchuk, {\it Symplectic biextensions and a generalization of the Fourier-Mukai transform}, (1995), alg-geom9511018. J.-P.~Serre, {\it Faisceaux alg\'ebriques coh\'erents}, Ann. of Math.(2) 61 (1955), pp.197-278. J.-L.~Verdier, {\it Categories deriv\'ees}, in SGA 4 1/2, Lecture Notes in Math., vol.569, Springer-Verlag, 1977, pp.262-311.