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 M.F. Atiyah, {\em New invariants of three and four dimensional manifolds}, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 48 (1988) 285-299;  

 M.F. Atiyah, N.J. Hitchin, I.M. Singer, {\em Self Duality     in four-dimensional Riemannian geometry}, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A362   (1978) 425-461;  

 M.F. Atiyah, L. Jeffrey, {\em Topological Lagrangians and Cohomology}, J. Geom. Phys. 7 (1990), 119-136;  

 D. Auckly, {\em Surgery, Knots and the Seiberg--Witten Equations. Lectures for the 1995 TGRCIW}, preprint;  

 B. Boos, D.D. Bleecker, {\em Topology and Analysis: The Atiyah--Singer Index Formula and Gauge--Theoretic Physics}, Springer 1985;  

  R. Brooks, A. Lue, {\em The monopole equations in     topological Yang-Mills}, preprint, hep-th 9412206;  

 R. Brussee, {\em Some ${\cal C}^\infty$--properties of     K\"ahler surfaces}, preprint, alg-geom 9503004;  

 R.L. Bryant, {\em An introduction to Lie groups and symplectic geometry}, in {\em Geometry and Quantum Field Theory}, eds. D.S. Freed and K.K. Uhlenbeck, AMS 1995;  

  A.L. Carey, J. McCarthy, B.L. Wang,  R.B. Zhang,     {\em Topological     Quantum Field Theory and Seiberg--Witten monopoles}, preprint   hep-th 9504005;  

 S. Donaldson, {\em Polynomial invariants for smooth     four-manifolds}, Topology 29 (1990) 257-341;  

 S. Donaldson, {\em The orientation of Yang--Mills moduli     spaces and 4-manifold topology}, J. Diff. Geom. 26 (1987) 397-428;  

 S. Donaldson, {\em Connections, cohomology, and the intersection    forms of four--manifolds}, J. Diff. Geom. 24 (1986) 275--341;  

 S. Donaldson, P. Kronheimer, {\em The Geometry of     Four-Manifolds}, Oxford 1990;  

 A. Floer, {\em An Instanton-Invariant for 3-Manifolds}, Commun. Math. Phys. 118 (1988), 215-240;  

 A.T. Fomenko, {\em Symplectic Geometry}, Gordon and Breach, 1988;  

 D. Freed, K.K. Uhlenbeck, {\em Instantons and     Four--Manifolds}, Springer 1984;  

 R. Friedman, J.W. Morgan, {\em Algebraic Surfaces and     Seiberg--Witten Invariants}, preprint, alg-geom 9502026;  

  R. Gianvittorio, I. Martin, A. Restuccia, {\em The gauge     invariant lagrangian for Seiberg-Witten topological monopoles},   preprint, hep-th 9504146;  

 A. Gorsky, I. Krichever, A. Marshakov, A. Mironov,   A.Morozov, {\em  Integrability and Seiberg-Witten Exact Solution},   preprint, hep-th 9505035;  

 F. Hirzebruch, H. Hopf, {\em Felder von Flachenelementen     in 4--dimensionalen Manigfaltigkeiten}, Math. Annalen 136 (1958)   156-;  

 J. Jost, X. Peng, G. Wang, {\em Variational Aspects of     The Seiberg--Witten Functional}, preprint, dg-ga 9504003;  

 D. Kotschik, {\em On Irreducible Four--Manifolds}, preprint;  

 D. Kotschik, J.W. Morgan, C.H. Taubes, {\em     Four manifolds without symplectic structures but with non-trivial     Seiberg--Witten invariants}, Math. Research Letters 2 (1995) 119-124;  

 P. Kronheimer, T. Mrowka, {\em The genus of embedded     surfaces in the projective plane}, Math. Research Letters 1 (1994)   797-808;  

 P. Kronheimer, T. Mrowka, {\em Recurrence relations and     asymptotics for four-manifold invariants},   Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1994) 215- ; and {\em Embedded surfaces     and the structure of Donaldson's polynomial invariants}, preprint;  

 J.M.F. Labastida, M. Mari\~{n}o, {\em A topological     Lagrangian for monopoles on four manifolds}, preprint, hep-th   9503105;  

 J.M.F. Labastida, M. Mari\~{n}o, {\em Non-abelian     monopoles on four-manifolds}, preprint, hep-th 9504010;  

 H.B. Lawson, M.L. Michelsohn, {\em Spin Geometry},   Princeton 1989;  

 C. LeBrun, {\em Einstein Metrics and Mostow Rigidity},   Math. Research Letters 2 (1995), 1-8;  

 C. LeBrun, {\em Polarized 4--manifolds, extremal K\"ahler metrics, and Seiberg--Witten theory}, preprint;  

 N.C. Leung {\em Seiberg--Witten Invariants and Uniformization}, preprint;  

 V. Mathai, D. Quillen, {\em Superconnections, Thom classes and equivariant differential forms}, Topology 25 (1986), 85-110;  

 D. McDuff, {\em Examples of simply--connected symplectic     manifolds}, J. Diff. Geom. 20 (1984), 267-278;  

 D. McDuff, D. Salamon, {\em $J$--holomorphic curves and     quantum cohomology}, AMS 1994;  

 J. Morgan, Z. Szabo, C.H. Taubes, {\em The generalized Thom conjecture}, in preparation;  

 Ch. Okonek, A. Teleman, {\em The coupled Seiberg-Witten     equations, vortices, and moduli spaces of stable pairs}, preprint,   alg-geom 9505012;  

 V.Ya. Pidstrigatch, {\em Deformation of Instanton Surfaces}, Math. USSR Izv. 38 (1992) 313-331;  

 V.Ya. Pidstrigatch, A.N. Tyurin, {\em Invariants of the smooth structure of an algebraic surface arising form the Dirac operator}, Russian Acad. Sci. Izv. Math. 40 (1993) 267-351;  

 V.Ya. Pidstrigatch, A.N. Tyurin, {\em Localisation of the Donaldson's Invariants along Seiberg--Witten Classes}, preprint, dg-ga;  

 J. Roe, {\em Elliptic operators, Topology, and Asymptotic     Methods}, Longman Sc. 1988;  

 N. Seiberg, E. Witten, {\em Monopoles, duality and chiral     symmetry breaking in $N=2$ supersymmetric QCD}, preprint, hep-th   9408099;  

 N. Seiberg, E. Witten, {\em Electric-magnetic duality,     monopole condensation, and confinement in $N=2$ supersymmetric     Yang-Mills theory}, preprint hep-th 9407087;  

 C.H. Taubes, {\em The Seiberg-Witten invariants and     symplectic forms}, Math. Research Letters, 1 (1994) 809-822;  

 C.H. Taubes, {\em More constraints on symplectic     manifolds from Seiberg--Witten invariants}, Math. Research   Letters, 2 (1995), 9-14;  

 C.H. Taubes, {\em The Seiberg--Witten invariants and The Gromov     invariants}, Math. Research Letters 2 (1995) 221-238;  

 C.H. Taubes, in preparation;  

 C.H. Taubes, {\em On the equivalence of first and second order     equations for gauge theories}, Commun. Math. Phys. 75 (1980), 207-227;  

 C.H. Taubes, private communication;  

 C.H. Taubes, {\em Casson's Invariant and Gauge Theory}, J. Diff. Geom. 31 (1990) 547-599;  

 C.H. Taubes, {\em $SW\Rightarrow Gr$. From the Seiberg--Witten equations to pseudo--holomorphic curves}, preprint;  

 S. Wang, {\em A Vanishing Theorem for Seiberg--Witten     Invariants}, preprint;  

 E. Witten, {\em Monopoles and Four--Manifolds},   Math. Research Letters 1 (1994) 769-796;  

 E. Witten, {\em Topological Quantum Field Theory}, Commun. Math. Phys. 117 (1988) 353-386;  

 E. Witten, lectures given in Santa Cruz, July 1995.