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- Ronald Fintushel and Ronald Stern, The blowup formula for Donaldson invariants, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9405002.
- Lothar G\"ottsche, Modular forms and Donaldson invariants for 4-manifolds with $b_+=1$, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9506018.
- T. Graber and R. Pandharipande, Localization of virtual classes, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9708001.
- Victor Pidstrigach and Andrei Tyurin, Localisation of the Donaldson's invariants along Seiberg-Witten classes, local page, arxiv:dg-ga/9507004.
- Thomas Leness, Donaldson Wall-Crossing Invariants Via Topology, local page, arxiv:dg-ga/9603016.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Thomas G. Leness, PU(2) monopoles and relations between four-manifold invariants, local page, arxiv:dg-ga/9709022.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Thomas G. Leness, PU(2) Monopoles, I: Regularity, Uhlenbeck Compactness, and Transversality, local page, arxiv:dg-ga/9710032.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Thomas G. Leness, PU(2) monopoles. II: Top-level Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces and Witten's conjecture in low degrees, local page, arxiv:dg-ga/9712005.
- Article:Hep-th/9411102/Author, Article:Hep-th/9411102/Title, local page, arxiv:hep-th/9411102.
- Article:Hep-th/9709193/Author, Article:Hep-th/9709193/Title, local page, arxiv:hep-th/9709193.
- Article:Hep-th/9812055/Author, Article:Hep-th/9812055/Title, local page, arxiv:hep-th/9812055.
- Peter Ozsvath and Zoltan Szabo, Higher Type Adjunction Inequalities in Seiberg-Witten Theory, local page, arxiv:math.DG/0005268.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Thomas G. Leness, PU(2) monopoles and links of top-level Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces, local page, arxiv:math.DG/0007190.
- Vicente Mu\~noz, Fukaya Floer homology of $\Sigma \times S^1$ and applications, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9804081.
- Wojciech Wieczorek, Immersed spheres and finite type of Donaldson invariants, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9811116.
- Marcos Marino and Gregory Moore and Grigor Peradze, Four-manifold geography and superconformal symmetry, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9812042.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Thomas G. Leness, Donaldson invariants and wall-crossing formulas. I: Continuity of gluing maps, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9812060.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Peter B. Kronheimer and Thomas G. Leness and and Tomasz S. Mrowka, PU(2) monopoles and a conjecture of Marino, Moore, and Peradze, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9812125.
- Kim A. Froyshov, Equivariant aspects of Yang-Mills Floer theory, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9903083.
- Paul M. N. Feehan and Thomas G. Leness, PU(2) monopoles. III: Existence of gluing and obstruction maps, local page, arxiv:math.DG/9907107.