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- Masanori Kobayashi, Duality of Weights, Mirror Symmetry and Arnold's Strange Duality, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9502004.
- Dmitri Orlov, Derived categories of coherent sheaves on abelian varieties and equivalences between them, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9712017.
- A. Bondal and D. Orlov, Reconstruction of a variety from the derived category and groups of autoequivalences, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9712029.
- Wolfgang Ebeling, Strange duality, mirror symmetry, and the Leech lattice, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9612010.
- Tom Bridgeland, Equivalences of triangulated categories and Fourier-Mukai transforms, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9809114.
- M. Kapranov and E. Vasserot, Kleinian singularities, derived categories and Hall algebras, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9812016.
- Alastair Craw and Miles Reid, How to calculate A-Hilb C^3, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9909085.
- Richard Paul Horja, Hypergeometric functions and mirror symmetry in toric varieties, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9912109.
- Mikhail Khovanov and Paul Seidel, Quivers, Floer cohomology, and braid group actions, local page, arxiv:math.QA/0006056.
- Bernhard Keller, Introduction to A-infinity algebras and modules, local page, arxiv:math.RA/9910179.