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 R.~Abraham, J.~E. Marsden, and T.~Ratiu, \emph{Manifolds, {T}ensor {A}nalysis,   and {A}pplications}, second ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988.  

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 David Gilbarg and Neil~S. Trudinger, \emph{Elliptic {P}artial {D}ifferential   {E}quations of {S}econd {O}rder}, second ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.  

 Reese Harvey, \emph{Spinors and {C}alibrations}, Academic Press, 1990.  

 Reese Harvey and H.~Blaine Lawson, Jr., \emph{Calibrated geometries}, Acta   Math. \textbf{148} (1982), 47--157.  

 Mark Haskins, \emph{Constructing {S}pecial {L}agrangian {C}ones}, Ph.D. thesis,   University of Texas at Austin, 2000.  

 Nigel~J. Hitchin, \emph{The moduli space of special {L}agrangian submanifolds},   Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) \textbf{25} (1997), no.~3-4,   503--515 (1998), Dedicated to Ennio De Giorgi.  

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 Nikolaos Kapouleas, \emph{Constant mean curvature surfaces in {E}uclidean   spaces}, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol.\   1, 2 (Z\"urich, 1994) (Basel), Birkh\"auser, 1995, pp.~481--490.  

 \bysame, \emph{On desingularizing the intersections of minimal surfaces},   Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Geometry (Thessaloniki,   1996), Giachoudis-Giapoulis, Thessaloniki, 1997, pp.~34--41.  

 Gary Lawlor, \emph{The angle criterion}, Invent. Math. \textbf{95} (1989),   437--446.  

 Yng-Ing Lee, \emph{Embedded special {L}agrangians in calabi-yau manifolds},   Preprint, 2001.  

 Rafe Mazzeo, Frank Pacard, and Dan Pollack, \emph{{C}{M}{C} {S}urfaces}, To   appear.  

 Robert~C. McLean, \emph{Deformations of calibrated submanifolds}, Comm. Anal.   Geom. \textbf{6} (1998), no.~4, 705--747.  

 David~R. Morrison, \emph{Mathematical aspects of mirror symmetry}, Complex   Algebraic Geometry (Park City, UT, 1993), Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,   1997, pp.~265--327.  

 R.~Schoen and J.~Wolfson, \emph{Minimizing volume among {L}agrangian   submanifolds}, Differential {E}quations: {L}a {P}ietra 1996 (Shatah Giaquinta   and Varadhan, eds.), Proc. of Symp. in Pure Math., vol.~65, 1999,   pp.~181--199.  

 Richard Schoen, \emph{Lecture {N}otes in {G}eometric {P}{D}{E}s on   {M}anifolds}, Course given in the Spring of 1998 at Stanford University.  

 Leon Simon, \emph{Lecture {N}otes in {P}{D}{E} {T}heory}, Course given in 1997   at Stanford University.  

 \bysame, \emph{Lectures on {G}eometric {M}easure {T}heory}, Australian National   University Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Canberra, 1983.  

 Michael~E. Taylor, \emph{Partial {D}ifferential {E}quations. {I}{I}{I}},   Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997, Nonlinear equations.