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 M.~F. Atiyah, V.~K. Patodi, and I.~M. Singer. \newblock Spectral asymmetry and {Riemannian} geometry. {I}. \newblock {\em Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.}, 77:43--69, 1975.  

 P.~J. Braam and S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock Floer's work on instanton homology, knots and surgery. \newblock In H.~Hofer, C.~H. Taubes, A.~Weinstein, and E.~Zehnder, editors,   {\em The Floer Memorial Volume}, pages 195--256. Birkh\"auser, 1995.  

 S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock An application of gauge theory to four dimensional topology. \newblock {\em J.~Differential Geometry}, 18:279--315, 1983.  

 S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock The orientation of {Yang-Mills} moduli spaces and 4-manifold   topology. \newblock {\em J.~Differential Geometry}, 26:397--428, 1987.  

 S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock Polynomial invariants for smooth four-manifolds. \newblock {\em Topology}, 29:257--315, 1990.  

 S.~K. Donaldson. \newblock {\em Floer Homology Groups in {Yang-Mills} Theory}. \newblock Cambridge University Press, 2002.  

 S.~K. Donaldson and P.~B. Kronheimer. \newblock {\em The Geometry of Four-Manifolds}. \newblock Oxford University Press, 1990.  

 A.~Floer. \newblock An instanton invariant for 3-manifolds. \newblock {\em Comm. Math. Phys.}, 118:215--240, 1988.  

 A.~Floer and H.~Hofer. \newblock Coherent orientations for periodic orbit problems in symplectic   geometry. \newblock {\em Math. Zeitschrift}, 212(1):13--38, 1993.  

 K.~A. Fr{\o}yshov. \newblock Equivariant aspects of {Yang-Mills} {Floer} theory. \newblock {\em Topology}, 41:525--552, 2002.  

 J.~Kazdan. \newblock Unique continuation in geometry. \newblock {\em Comm. Pure and Applied Math.}, 41:667--681, 1988.  

 P.~B. Kronheimer and T.~S. Mrowka. \newblock Embedded surfaces and the structure of {Donaldson's} polynomial   invariants. \newblock {\em J.~Differential Geometry}, 41:573--734, 1995.  

 H.~B. Lawson and M.-L. Michelsohn. \newblock {\em Spin Geometry}. \newblock Princeton University Press, 1989.  

 V.~{Mu\~noz}. \newblock {Ring structure of the Floer cohomology of $\Sigma\times S^1$}. \newblock {\em Topology}, 38:517--528, 1999.