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 A. Bertram and M. Thaddeus, On the quantum cohomology of a symmetric product of an algebraic curve, {\em Duke Math. J.\/} {\bf 108} 2001, 329-362.  

 P. I. Braam and  S. K. Donaldson Floer's work on instanton homology, knots and surgery. {\em The Floer memorial volume, Progr. Math.\/}  {\bf 133}, Birkh\"auser, Basel, 1995, 195-256.  

 R. Brussee, The canonical class and the $\cC^{\infty}$ properties of K\"ahler surfaces, {\em New York J. Math.\/} {\bf 2} 1996, 103-146.  

 A. Carey and B-L.\ Wang, Seiberg-Witten-Floer homology and gluing formulae, submitted to {\em Asian J. Math.}  

 S. K. Donaldson, The Seiberg-Witten equations and $4$-manifold topology, {\em Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.\/} {\bf 33} 1996, 45-70.  

 R. Fintushel and R. Stern, Surfaces in $4$-manifolds. {\em Math. Res. Lett.\/} {\bf 4} 1997, 907-914.  

 K. Fr{\o}yshov, The Seiberg-Witten equations and $4$-manifolds with boundary, {\em Math. Res. Letters,\/} {\bf 3} 1996, 373-390.  

 K. Fukaya, Floer homology of connected sum of homology $3$-spheres. {\em Topology,\/} {\bf 35} 1996, 89-136.  

 I. G. MacDonald, Symmetric products of an algebraic curve, {\em Topology,\/} {\bf 1} 1962, 319-343.  

 M. Marcolli, Seiberg-Witten-Floer homology and Heegard splittings, {\em Inter. J. Math.\/} {\bf 7} 1996, 671--696.  

 J. W. Morgan and Z. Szab\'o, Embedded genus $2$ surfaces in four-manifolds, {\em Duke Math. J.\/} {\bf 89} 1997, 577-602.  

 J. W. Morgan, Z. Szab\'o and C. H. Taubes, A product formula for the Seiberg-Witten invariants and the generalized Thom conjecture, {\em J. Diff. Geom.\/} {\bf 44} 1996, 706-788.  

 J. W. Morgan, The Seiberg-Witten equations and applications to the topology of smooth four-manifolds, {\em Mathematical Notes,\/} {\bf 44}, Princeton University Press, 1996.  

 T. S. Mrowka, P. S. Osv\'ath and B. Yu, Seiberg-Witten monopoles on Seifert fibered spaces, {\em Comm. Anal. Geom.\/} {\bf 5} 1997, 685-793.  

 V. Mu\~noz, Gluing formulae for Donaldson invariants for connected sums along surfaces, {\em Asian J.\ Math.\/} {\bf 1} 1997, 785-800.  

 V. Mu\~noz, Ring structure of the Floer cohomology of $\Y$, {\em Topology,\/} {\bf 38} 1999, 517-528.  

 V. Mu\~noz, Quantum cohomology of the moduli space of stable bundles over a Riemann surface, {\em Duke Math. J.\/} {\bf 98} 1999, 525-540.  

 V. Mu\~noz, Fukaya-Floer homology of $\Y$ and applications, {\em J. Diff. Geom.\/} {\bf 53} 1999, 279-326.  

 V. Mu\~noz, Higher type adjunction inequalities for Donaldson invariants, {\em Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.\/} {\bf 353} 2001, 2635-2654.  

 C. Okonek and A. Teleman, Seiberg-Witten invariants for manifolds with $b_+=1$ and the universal wall-crossing formula, {\em Inter. J. Math.\/} {\bf 7} 1996, 811-832.  

 P. Osv\'ath and Z. Szab\'o, Higher type adjunction inequalities in Seiberg-Witten theory, {\em J. Diff. Geom.\/} to appear.  

 P. Osv\'ath and Z. Szab\'o, The symplectic Thom conjecture, {\em Annals Math. (2)\/} {\bf 151} 2000, 93-124.  

 D. Salamon, {\em Spin geometry and Seiberg-Witten invariants,\/} to appear in Birkh\"auser-Verlag, 1999.  

 B. Siebert and G. Tian, On quantum cohomology rings of Fano manifolds and a formula of Vafa and Intriligator, {\em Asian J. Math.,\/} {\bf 1} 1997, 679-695.  

 C. H. Taubes, Gr = SW, counting curves and connections, {\em J. Diff. Geom.\/} {\bf 52} 1999, 453-609  

 B-L.\ Wang, Seiberg-Witten-Floer monopoles on three manifolds, Ph.D. thesis, 1997, University of Adelaide, Australia.  

 E. Witten, Monopoles and four-manifolds, {\em Math. Res. Lett.\/} {\bf 1} 1994, 769-796.