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 D.~Bar-Natan. \newblock On {K}hovanov's categorification of the {J}ones polynomial. \newblock {\em Alg. Geom. Top.}, 2:337--370, 2002.  

 D.~Bar-Natan. \newblock The {K}not {A}tlas. \newblock { \it\(\sim\)drorbn/KAtlas/index.html}, 2003.  

 J.~S. Carter and M.~Saito. \newblock Reidemeister moves for surface isotopies and their interpretation as   moves to movies. \newblock {\em J. Knot Theory Ramifications}, 2:251--284, 1993.  

 M.~Khovanov. \newblock A categorification of the {J}ones polynomial. \newblock {\em Duke Math. J.}, 101:359--426, 2000.  

 P.~B. Kronheimer and T.~S. Mrowka. \newblock Gauge theory for embedded surfaces. {I}. \newblock {\em Topology}, 32:773--826, 1993.  

 J.~McCleary. \newblock {\em User's Guide to Spectral Sequences}. \newblock Mathematics Lecture Series, 12. Publish or Perish Inc, 1985.  

 L.~Rudolph. \newblock {Positive links are strongly quasipositive}. \newblock {\em Geom. Topol. Monogr.}, 2:555--562, 1999.  

 A.~Shumakovitch. \newblock {K}ho{H}o pari package. \newblock {\it}, 2003.