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 M.~M.~Asaeda, J.~H.~Przytycki, A.~S.~Sikora,  Khovanov homology of links in $I$-bundles over surfaces, preprint 2003.\\ e-print:   

 D.~Bar-Natan, Introduction to Khovanov homology;  


 S.~Garoufalidis, A conjecture on Khovanov's invariants, University  of Warwick preprint, October 2001, \\  

 A.~Hatcher, Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press, 2002.\\  

 L.H.~Kauffman, An invariant of regular isotopy, {\it Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, 318(2), 1990, 417--471.  

 G.~Kuperberg, What is a virtual link? {\it Algebraic and Geometric Topology},  3, 2003, 587-591,\\  

 W.~B.~R. Lickorish, M.~B. Thistlethwaite, Some links with non-trivial polynomials and their crossing-numbers, {\it Comment. Math. Helv.}, 63, 1988, 527-539.  

 J.~B.~Listing,  {\em  Vorstudien zur Topologie},  G\"ottinger Studien (Abtheilung 1) 1 (1847),   811-875.  

 W.~M.~Menasco, Closed incompressible surfaces in alternating knot and link complements, {\it Topology} 23, 1984, 37-44.  

 K.~Murasugi, Jones polynomial and classical conjectures in knot theory, {\it Topology}, 26(2), 1987, 187-194.  

 K.~Murasugi, Jones polynomial and classical conjectures in knot theory, II, {\it Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.}, 102, 1987, 317-318.  

 [Mu-2]{Mu-2}  K.~Murasugi, On invariants of graphs with application to knot theory, {\em Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, 314 (1989) 1-49.  

 [Pr] {Pr} J.~H.~Przytycki,  {\bf Knots;} --  From combinatorics of knot diagrams to the combinatorial  topology based on knots, Cambridge University Press, to appear, 2005.  

 [Rol]{Rol} D.~Rolfsen, {\it Knots and links}. Publish or Perish, 1976  (second edition, 1990).  

 A.~Shumakovitch, KhoHo:  

 M.B.Thistlethwaite, A spanning tree expansion of the Jones polynomial, {\it Topology}, 26 (1987), 297-309.  

 P. Traczyk, A combinatorial formula for the signature of alternating  links, preprint, 1987 (to appear in Fundamenta Mathematicae, Volume  of Proceedings of the conference Knots in Poland, July 2003).   

 [Wu]{Wu} Y-Q. Wu, Jones polynomial and the crossing number of links, Differential geometry and topology (Tjanjin, 1986-87), Lectures Notes in Math., 1369, Springer, Berlin - New York, 1989, 286-288.