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\bibbox{S. Garoufalidis,} {\sl A conjecture on Khovanov's invariants}, preprint 2001; available from {\tt\~{}stavros/publications/} \bibbox{J. Hoste and M. Thistlethwaite,} {\tt Knotscape} --- a program for studying knot theory and providing convenient access to tables of knots, {\tt\~{}morwen/knotscape.html} \bibbox{V. Jones,} {\sl A polynomial invariant for knots via von Neumann algebras}, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) {\bf 12} (1985), no. 1, 103--111. \bibbox{D. Rolfsen}, {\sl Knots and Links}, Publish or Perish, Mathematics Lecture Series 7, Wilmington 1976. \bibbox{R. Scharein,} {\tt KnotPlot} --- a program to visualize, manipulate, and physically simulate mathematical knots, {\tt} \bibbox{A. Shumakovitch,} \KhoHo --- a program for computing and studying Khovanov homology, {\tt} \bibbox{A. Shumakovitch,} {\sl Calculation of Khovanov homology via elementary simplifications of the chain complex}, in preparation. \bibbox{M. Thistlethwaite,} {\sl A spanning tree expansion of the Jones polynomial}, Topology, {\bf 26} (1987), no. 3, 297--309.