
From Knot Atlas
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 D.~Bar-Natan,   {\em 36 Torus Knots}, \texttt{\_Torus\_Knots}  

 D.~Bar-Natan. {\em The Knot Atlas,} \texttt{$\sim$drorbn/KAtlas/}  

 B.L.~Feigin, {\em Lie algebras ${\rm gl}(\lambda)$ and cohomology of a Lie algebra of differential operators,} Russian Math.~Surveys  {\bf 43}  (1988),  no. 2, 169.  

 J.~Hoste, M.~Thistlethwaite.  \emph{Knotscape,} \texttt{$\sim$morwen/knotscape.html}  

 V.~Jones, {\em Hecke algebra representations of braid groups and link polynomials,} Ann. of Math. {\bf 126} no.2 (1987) 335.  

 H.~Morton, {\em Seifert circles and knot polynomials}, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. {\bf 99} (1986), 107-110.   

 D.~Rolfsen. {\em Knots and Links}, Publish or Perish, 1976.    

 L.~Rudolph. {\em An obstruction to sliceness via contact geometry and ``classical'' gauge theory,} Invent.~Math. {\bf 119} (1995), 155-163.  

 L.~Rudolph. {\em Positive links are strongly quasipositive,} Proceedings of the Kirbyfest, Geom.~Top.~Monographs 2, Coventry, 1999.   

 A.~Shumakovitch. \newblock {\em KhoHo: a program for computing Khovanov homology}, \texttt{}