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D.~Bar-Natan. \newblock On {K}hovanov's categorification of the {J}ones polynomial. \newblock {\em Alg. Geom. Top.}, 2:337--370, 2002. D.~Bar-Natan and J.~Green. \newblock Fast{K}h and {J}ava{K}h. \newblock in Mathematica package KnotTheory. Available at, 2005. J.~S. Carter and M.~Saito. \newblock Reidemeister moves for surface isotopies and their interpretation as moves to movies. \newblock {\em J. Knot Theory Ramifications}, 2:251--284, 1993. J.~H. Conway. \newblock An enumeration of knots and links, and some of their algebraic properties. \newblock In {\em Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra (Proc. Conf., Oxford, 1967)}, pages 329--358. Pergamon, Oxford, 1970. V.~F.~R. Jones. \newblock On knot invariants related to some statistical mechanical models. \newblock {\em Pacific J. Math.}, 137:311--334, 1989. M.~Khovanov. \newblock A categorification of the {J}ones polynomial. \newblock {\em Duke Math. J.}, 101:359--426, 2000. M.~Khovanov. \newblock Patterns in knot cohomology. {I}. \newblock {\em Experiment. Math.}, 12:365--374, 2003. H.~Murakami, T.~Ohtsuki, and S.~Yamada. \newblock Homfly polynomial via an invariant of colored plane graphs. \newblock {\em Enseign. Math. (2)}, 44:325--360, 1998. K.~Murasugi. \newblock {\em Knot theory and its applications}. \newblock Birkh\"auser Boston Inc., Boston, MA, 1996. \newblock Translated from the 1993 Japanese original by Bohdan Kurpita. A.~Shumakovitch. \newblock Khoho. \newblock Available at, 2003. V.~G. Turaev. \newblock The {Y}ang-{B}axter equation and invariants of links. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.}, 92:527--553, 1988.