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 R.~Benedetti and C.~Petronio. \newblock {\em Lectures on hyperbolic geometry}. \newblock Springer, 1992.  

 S.~A. Bleiler and C.~D. Hodgson. \newblock {Spherical space forms and Dehn filling}. \newblock {\em Topology} {\bf 35}(1996), 809 -- 833.  

 D.~Calegari. \newblock {A note on strong geometric isolation in $3$-orbifolds}. \newblock {\em Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.} {\bf 53}(1996), 271--280.  

 P.~Callahan, M.~Hildebrand, and J.~Weeks. \newblock {A census of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds}. \newblock {\em {\rm Submitted to} Math. Comp.}  

 D.~Cooper, M.~Culler, H.~Gillet, D.~D. Long, and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock {Plane curves associated to character varieties of 3-manifolds}. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.} {\bf 118}(1994), 47--74.  

 D.~Cooper and D.~Long. \newblock {Roots of unity and the character variety of a knot complement}. \newblock {\em J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A} {\bf 55}(1993), 90 -- 99.  

 M.~Culler, C.~M. Gordon, J.~Luecke, and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock {Dehn surgery on knots}. \newblock {\em Ann. of Math. (2)} {\bf 125}(1987), 237--300.  

 M.~Culler, W.~Jaco, and H.~Rubenstein. \newblock {Incompressible surfaces in once-punctured torus bundles}. \newblock {\em Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)} {\bf 45}(1982), 385 -- 419.  

 M.~Culler and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock {Varieties of group representations and splittings of 3-manifolds}. \newblock {\em Ann. of Math. (2)} {\bf 117}(1983), 109--146.  

 M.~Culler and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock {Bounded, separating, incompressible surfaces in knot manifolds}. \newblock {\em Invent. Math.} {\bf 75}(1984), 537--545.  

 M.~Culler and P.~B. Shalen. \newblock {Knots with only two essential surfaces}. \newblock {I}n preparation.  

 W.~Floyd and A.~Hatcher. \newblock {Incompressible surfaces in punctured-torus bundles}. \newblock {\em Topology Appl.} {\bf 13}(1982), 263 -- 282.  

 D.~R. Grayson and M.~E. Stillman. \newblock {Macaulay2}. \newblock Availible from  

 M.~Hildebrand and J.~Weeks. \newblock {A computer generated census of cusped hyperbolic $3$-manifolds}. \newblock In {\em Computers and mathematics (Cambridge, MA, 1989)}, pages 53 --   59. Springer, 1989.  

 C.~D. Hodgson. \newblock {\em Degneration and regeneration of geometric structures on   three-manifolds}. \newblock PhD thesis, Princeton, 1986.  

 D.~Mumford. \newblock {\em Algebraic geometry I: complex projective varieties}. \newblock Springer, 1976.  

 W.~D. Neumann and D.~Zagier. \newblock {Volumes of hyperbolic three-manifolds}. \newblock {\em Topology} {\bf 24}(1985), 307 -- 332.  

 W.~D. Neumann and A.~W. Reid. \newblock {Rigidity of cusps in deformations of hyperbolic $3$-orbifolds}. \newblock {\em Math. Ann.} {\bf 295}(1993), 223--237.  

 U.~Oertel. \newblock {Closed incompressible surfaces in complements of star links}. \newblock {\em Pacific J. Math.} {\bf 111}(1984), 209 -- 230.  

 J.-P. Otal. \newblock {Le th\'eor\`eme d'hyperbolisation pour les vari\'et\'es fibr\'ees de   dimension 3}. \newblock {\em Ast\'erisque} {\bf 235}(1996).  

 J.~Porti. \newblock {Torsion de {R}eidemeister pour les vari\'et\'es hyperboliques}. \newblock {\em Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.} {\bf 128}(1997), x+139.  

 D.~Rolfsen. \newblock {\em Knots and links}. \newblock Publish or Perish Inc., Berkeley, Calif., 1976. \newblock Mathematics Lecture Series, No. 7.  

 W.~P. Thurston. \newblock {The geometry and topology of 3-manifolds}. \newblock Lecture notes. Revised version to appear by Princeton Univ. Press,   1978.  

 J.~Weeks. \newblock {{S}nap{P}ea}. \newblock Availible at