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- A.Bondal and D.Orlov, Semiorthogonal decomposition for algebraic varieties, local page, arxiv:alg-geom/9506012.
- Paul Seidel and R. P. Thomas, Braid group actions on derived categories of coherent sheaves, local page, arxiv:math.AG/0001043.
- Maxim Kontsevich, Homological Algebra of Mirror Symmetry, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9411018.
- Tom Bridgeland, Equivalences of triangulated categories and Fourier-Mukai transforms, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9809114.
- Roman Bezrukavnikov and Alexander Polishchuk, Gluing of perverse sheaves on the basic affine space, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9811155.
- M. Kapranov and E. Vasserot, Kleinian singularities, derived categories and Hall algebras, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9812016.
- Tom Braden, Perverse sheaves on Grassmannians, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9907152.
- Weiqiang Wang, Hilbert schemes, wreath products, and the McKay correspondence, local page, arxiv:math.AG/9912104.
- Ruth Stella Huerfano and Mikhail Khovanov, A category for the adjoint representation, local page, arxiv:math.QA/0002060.
- Joseph Bernstein and Igor Frenkel and Mikhail Khovanov, A categorification of the Temperley-Lieb algebra and Schur quotients of U(sl(2)) via projective and Zuckerman functors, local page, arxiv:math.QA/0002087.
- Mikhail Khovanov and Paul Seidel, Quivers, Floer cohomology, and braid group actions, local page, arxiv:math.QA/0006056.
- J\'anos Koll\'ar, Real Algebraic Surfaces, local page, arxiv:math.QA/9712003.
- Marco Mackaay, Finite groups, spherical 2-categories, and 4-manifold invariants, local page, arxiv:math.QA/9903003.
- Igor Frenkel and Naihuan Jing and Weiqiang Wang, Vertex representations via finite groups and the McKay correspondence, local page, arxiv:math.QA/9907166.
- Mikhail Khovanov, A categorification of the Jones polynomial, local page, arxiv:math.QA/9908171.
- Mikhail Khovanov, NilCoxeter algebras categorify the Weyl algebra, local page, arxiv:math.RT/9906166.