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 J.~S. Carter, D.~E. Flath, and M.~Saito. \newblock {\em The classical and quantum 6$j$-symbols}. \newblock Mathematical Notes, 43. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ,   1995.  

 L.~H. Kauffman and S.~L. Lins. \newblock {\em Temperley-{Lieb} recoupling theory and invariants of   3-manifolds}. \newblock Annals of Math. Studies, 134. Princeton University Press, 1994.  

 R.~Kirby and P.~Melvin. \newblock The $3$-manifold invariants of {W}itten and {R}eshetikhin-{T}uraev   for sl(2,{C}). \newblock {\em Invent. math.}, 105:473--545, 1991.