Drawing Braids

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(For In[1] see Setup)

In[1]:= ?BraidPlot
BraidPlot[br, opts] produces a plot of the braid br. Possible options are Mode, HTMLOpts and Images.

Thus for example,

In[2]:= br = BR[5, {{1,3}, {-2,-4}, {1, 3}}];
In[4]:= Show[BraidPlot[br]]
Drawing Braids Out 3.gif
Out[4]= -Graphics-

BraidPlot takes several options:

In[5]:= Options[BraidPlot]
Out[5]= {Mode -> Graphics, Images -> {0.gif, 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif, 4.gif}, HTMLOpts -> }

The Mode option to BraidPlot defaults to "Graphics", which produces output as above. An alternative is setting Mode -> "HTML", which produces an HTML