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(For In[1] see Setup)
TubePlot[gamma, {t, t0, t1}, r, opts] plots the space curve gamma with the variable t running from t0 to t1, as a tube of radius r. The available options are TubeSubdivision, TubeFraming and TubePlotPrelude. All other options are passed on to Graphics3D. TubePlot[TorusKnot[m, n], opts] produces a tube plot of the (m,n) torus knot.
Thus here's a thin unknot:
Show[TubePlot[{Cos[t], Sin[t], 0}, {t, 0, 2Pi}, 0.1]]
TubeSubdivision is an option for TubePlot. TubePlot[__, TubeSubdivision -> {l, m} draws the tube subdivided to l pieces lengthwise and m pieces around. The default is TubeSubdivision -> {50, 12}.
TubeFraming is an option for TubePlot. TubePlot[gamma, {t, __}, _, TubeFraming -> n] sets the framing of the tube (visible when TubeSubdivision -> {l, m} with small m) to be the vector n, which in itself may be a function of t. Thus TubeFraming -> {0,0,1} is "blackboard framing". TubeFraming -> Normal (default) uses the normal vector of the curve gamma.
TubePlotPrelude is an option for TubePlot. Its value is passed to Graphics3D before the main part of the plot, allowing to set various graphics options. For example, TubePlotPrelude -> EdgeForm[{}] will suppress the drawing of edges between the polygons making up the tube. The default is TubePlotPrelude -> {}.
Here's the same unknot, made thicker and not as smooth:
{Cos[t], Sin[t], 0}, {t, 0, 2Pi}, 0.3, TubeSubdivision -> {6, 3}
Let's play with the framing now:
{Cos[t], Sin[t], 0}, {t, 0, 2Pi}, 0.2,
TubeSubdivision -> {50, 2},
TubeFraming -> {Cos[2t]Cos[t], Cos[2t]Sin[t], Sin[3t]}
Here's an example that uses a prelude and passes options on to Graphics3D
{Cos[2t], Sin[2t], 0} +
0.5{Cos[3t]Cos[2t], Cos[3t]Sin[2t], -Sin[3t]},
{t, 0, 2Pi}, 1/3,
TubeSubdivision -> {280, 12}, TubeFraming -> {0,0,1},
TubePlotPrelude -> EdgeForm[{}],
Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> {0,0,1}
The last example serves as the basis for the definition of TubePlot[TorusKnot[m, n]]
. Here's a final example:
Show[TubePlot[TorusKnot[3, 5]]]
Standalone TubePlot
There may be some independent interest in the routine TubePlot
, and hence it is available also as an independent package. Here it is: TubePlot.m (File:TubePlot.m).