Arc Presentations

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An Arc Presentation of a knot (in "grid form", to be precise) is a planar (toroidal, to be precise) picture of the knot in which all arcs are either horizontal or vertical, in which the vertical arcs are alway "above" the horizontal arcs, and in which no two horizontal arcs have the same -coordinate and no two vertical arcs have the same -coordinate (read more at [1]). Without loss of generality, the -coordinates of the vertical arcs in are the integers through for some , and the -coordinates of the horizontal arcs in are (also!) the integers through .

KnotTheory` knows about arc presentations:

(For In[1] see Setup)

In[1]:= ?ArcPresentation
ArcPresentation[{a1,b1}, {a2, b2}, ..., {an,bn}] is an arc presentation of a knot (as often used in the realm of Heegaard-Floer homologies), where the horizontal arc at row i connects column ai to column bi. ArcPresentation[K] returns an arc presentation of the knot K. ArcPresentation[K, Reduce -> r] attemps at most r reduction steps (using a naive reduction algorithm) following a naive creation of some arc presentation for K.
In[2]:= ap = ArcPresentation["K11n11"]
Out[2]= ArcPresentation[{12, 2}, {1, 10}, {3, 9}, {5, 11}, {9, 12}, {4, 8}, {2, 5}, {11, 7}, {8, 6}, {7, 4}, {10, 3}, {6, 1}]
In[4]:= Draw[ap]
Arc Presentations Out 3.gif
Out[4]= -Graphics-
In[5]:= ap0 = ArcPresentation["K11n11", Reduce -> 0]
Out[5]= ArcPresentation[{13, 19}, {20, 23}, {19, 22}, {15, 14}, {14, 2}, {1, 13}, {3, 12}, {2, 4}, {16, 18}, {17, 15}, {8, 16}, {12, 17}, {5, 7}, {4, 6}, {7, 11}, {6, 8}, {18, 10}, {11, 9}, {10, 21}, {9, 20}, {21, 5}, {22, 3}, {23, 1}]
In[6]:= ?Draw
Draw[ap] draws the Arc Presentation ap. Draw[ap, OverlayMatrix -> M] overlays the matrix M on top of that draw.
In[8]:= Draw[ap0]
Arc Presentations Out 7.gif
Out[8]= -Graphics-
In[9]:= Reflect[ap_ArcPresentation] := ArcPresentation @@ ( (Last /@ Sort[Reverse /@ Position[ap, #]]) & /@ Range[Length[ap]] )
In[11]:= Reflect[ap] // Draw
Arc Presentations Out 10.gif
Out[11]= -Graphics-
In[12]:= MinesweeperMatrix[ap_ArcPresentation] := Module[ {l, CurrentRow, c1, c2, k, s}, l = Length[ap]; CurrentRow = Table[0, {l}]; Table[ {c1, c2} = Sort[ap[[k]]]; s = Sign[{-1, 1}.ap[[k]]]; Do[ CurrentRow[[c]] += s, {c, c1, c2 - 1} ]; CurrentRow, {k, l} ] ];
In[14]:= Draw[ap, OverlayMatrix -> MinesweeperMatrix[ap]]
Arc Presentations Out 13.gif
Out[14]= -Graphics-
In[15]:= {Det[t^MinesweeperMatrix[ap]], Alexander[ap][t]} // Factor
Out[15]= 11 2 2 3 4 5 6 {(-1 + t) t (1 - 5 t + 13 t - 17 t + 13 t - 5 t + t ), 2 3 4 5 6 1 - 5 t + 13 t - 17 t + 13 t - 5 t + t -------------------------------------------} 3 t