Finite Type (Vassiliev) Invariants
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(For In[1] see Setup)
Thus, for example, let us reproduce Willerton's "fish" (arXiv:math.GT/0104061), the result of plotting the values of against the values of , where is the (standardly normalized) type 2 invariant of , is the (standardly normalized) type 3 invariant of , and where runs over a set of knots with equal crossing numbers (10, in the example below):
<* GraphicsBox["WillertonsFish", "ListPlot[\n
Join @@ Table[\n K = Knot[10, k] ; v2 = Vassiliev[2][K]; v3 = Vassiliev[3][K];\n {{v2, v3}, {v2, -v3}},\n {k, 165}\n ],\n PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.02], PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1\n
]" ] *>