WikiLink - The Mediawiki Interface: Difference between revisions

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n = 6 |
n = <!--$++LineNumber$--><!--END--> |
in = <nowiki>CreateWikiConnection[
in = <nowiki>CreateWikiConnection[

Revision as of 15:46, 31 August 2005

WikiLink is actually two separate things; firstly, a java class for interfacing with a mediawiki server, and secondly, a Mathematica package providing a wrapper around this. This page documents the Mathematica package, whie the java class, and its addition functionality, will be documented elsewhere.


WikiLink.nb, WikiLink.m and wikilink.jar are copyright Scott Morrison, available under your choice of the MIT or GPL licenses. The other components are copyright by other parties, all available under the Apache license.


Download (file description). Unzip this, probably in the same place you've unzipped the KnotTheory` package. This will create a subdirectory called WikiLink, containing (at least) these files:

Filename Description
WikiLink.nb The Mathematica notebook containing wrapper function definitions.
WikiLink.m The Mathematica package automatically generated from WikiLink.nb.
wikilink.jar The WikiLink java class and source code (


Libraries (all available under either GPL or the Apache license) required by wikilink.jar

Importing the package in Mathematica

First, you'll need to set some paths, so WikiLink` can find the java files it needs.

In[1]:= KnotAtlasPath = "c:\\scott\\\\Work\\Mathematica\\KnotAtlas\\";
In[2]:= AppendTo[$Path, KnotAtlasPath];
In[3]:= SetDirectory[KnotAtlasPath];
In[4]:= << "WikiLink\\WikiLink.m"
In[5]:= SetJarPath[KnotAtlasPath <> "WikiLink\\"];

We then try to connect to the wiki. Executing this line will prompt you for a username and password.

In[6]:= CreateWikiConnection[ "", InputString["Enter Your Username:"], InputString["Enter Your Password"] ]

The function WikiUserName[] checks that we're logged in

In[7]:= ?WikiUserName
WikiUserName[] returns either the name of the user you are logged in as, your IP address if you're not logged in, or $Failed if something more complicated has happened!
In[8]:= WikiUserName[]
Out[8]= ScottManualRobot


WikiLink` provides only a few functions.

In[9]:= ?WikiGetPageText
WikiGetPageText[pagename] returns the raw text of the specified page.
In[10]:= ?WikiSetPageText
WikiSetPageText[pagename, text] overwrites the contents of the specificied page with the given text. WikiSetPageText[pagename, text, summary] overwrites the contents of the specificied page with the given text and notes summary in the change log.
In[11]:= ?WikiSetPageTexts
WikiSetPageText[{{pagename1, text1},{pagename2,text2},...}] efficiently sets multiple pages, by first checking which texts are already up to date.
In[12]:= ?WikiUploadFile
WikiUploadFile[name, description] uploads the specified file to the wiki.

Thus for example after

In[13]:= WikiSetPageText["Sandbox", "A robotic edit, by --[[User:Scott|Scott]]"]
Out[13]= True

we get

In[14]:= WikiGetPageText["Sandbox"]
Out[14]= A robotic edit, by --[[User:Scott|Scott]]

The function WikiSetPageTexts is most useful for batch uploads, as it does considerably more error checking, and filters out edits which won't change the page text. It takes as argument a list of {"title", "text"} pairs, and returns a list of those pairs which failed.

In[15]:= WikiSetPageTexts[{{"Sandbox", "A robotic edit, by --[[User:Scott|Scott]]"}, {"Sandbox2", "The determinant of the knot [[3_1]] is 3."}}]
Out[15]= {}
In[16]:= WikiGetPageText["Sandbox2"]
Out[16]= The determinant of the knot [[3_1]] is 3.


The instruction ShowJavaConsole[] will bring up a window in which some debugging information is displayed.


WikiLink has been tested against mediawiki 1.4.5beta3 and 1.4.7.