The Coloured Jones Polynomials

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KnotTheory` can compute the coloured Jones polynomial of braid closures, using the same formulas as in [Garoufalidis Le]:

(For In[1] see Setup)

Thus, for example, here's the coloured Jones polynomial of the knot 4_1 in the 4-dimensional representation of :

And here's the coloured Jones polynomial of the same knot in the two dimensional representation of ; this better be equal to the ordinary Jones polynomial of 4_1!

The coloured Jones polynomial of \hlink{../Knots/3.1.html}{$3_1$} is computed via a single summation. Indeed,

<*InOut@"s = CJ`Summand[Mirror[Knot[3, 1]], n]"*> \vskip 6pt

The symbols in the above formula require a definition:

\index{Riese, Axel} \index{Weisstein, Eric} <* HelpBox[{qPochhammer, qBinomial}] *>

More precisely, {\tt qPochhammer[a, q, k]} is \[

   (1-a)(1-aq)\dots(1-aq^{k-1}) & k>0 \\
   1 & k=0 \\
   \left((1-aq^{-1})(1-aq^{-2})\dots(1-aq^{k})\right)^{-1} & k<0

\] and {\tt qBinomial[n, k, q]} is \[

 \binom{n}{k}_q = \begin{cases}
     {\displaystyle (q^{n-k+1};q)_k}
     {\displaystyle (q;q)_k
   } & k\geq 0 \\
   0 & k<0.


The function {\tt qExpand} replaces every occurence of a {\tt qPochhammer} symbol or a {\tt qBinomial} symbol by its definition:

<* HelpBox[qExpand] *>


<*InOut@"qPochhammer[a, q, 6] // qExpand"*> <*InOut@"First[s] /. {n -> 3, CJ`k[1] -> 2} // qExpand"*> \vskip 6pt


<* ColoredJones=.; HelpBox[ColoredJones] *>

[Garoufalidis Le] ^  S. Garoufalidis and T. Q. T. Le, The Colored Jones Function is -Holonomic, Georgia Institute of Technology preprint, September 2003, arXiv:math.GT/0309214.