The Kauffman Polynomial

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The Kauffman polynomial (see [Kauffman]) of a knot or link is where is the writhe of (see How is the Jones Polynomial Computed?) and where is the regular isotopy invariant defined by the skein relations

(here is a strand and is the same strand with a kink added) and

(here , , and are Backoverslash symbol.gif, Slashoverback symbol.gif, Vsmoothing symbol.gif and Hsmoothing symbol.gif, respectively), and by the initial condition where is the unknot BigCirc symbol.gif.

KnotTheory` knows about the Kauffman polynomial:

(For In[1] see Setup)

Thus, for example, here's the Kauffman polynomial of the knot 5_2:

It is well known that the Jones polynomial is related to the Kauffman polynomial via


where is some knot or link and where is the number of components of . Let us verify this fact for the torus knot T(8,3):

[Kauffman] ^  L. H. Kauffman, An invariant of regular isotopy, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 312 (1990) 417-471.