The Rolfsen Knot Table
Click a knot to learn more about it!
Knots with 7 or fewer crossings
Knots with 8 crossings
Knots with 9 crossings
Knots with 10 crossings
See warning below |
Warning. In 1973 K. Perko noticed that the knots that were later labeled 10161 and 10162 in Rolfsen's tables (which were published in 1976 and were based on earlier tables by Little (1900) and Conway (1970)) are in fact the same. In our table we removed Rolfsen's 10162 and renumbered the subsequent knots, so that our 10 crossings total is 165, one less than Rolfsen's 166. Read more: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].
See all this as one big mosaic.
Also see Other Knot Tables.
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